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This service enables you to exchange your current car for a new one.
Selling a vehicle can take quite a long time, a couple of weeks or even months, after which you spend the same amount of time looking for a new vehicle.
The considerable experience of our car dealership makes it possible to simplify the procedure, making it quick and qualitative.
The Trade-In service will allow you to drive another car within one day. We value our customers and want the purchase of a new car to bring you only positive emotions. Therefore each used vehicle is appraised by our experts, which minimizes the transaction risks and protects you from "surprises".
After diagnostics, our experts inform you of the estimated value of your car and you pick a new car from our car showroom of the same value or more expensive with a partial surcharge.
Also, at your request, we can do all the paperwork and give you the keys to your new car within just one day, which will protect you from unnecessary red tape, loss of nerves, time and money.
As we’re done with the procedure you leave in a new car, and the previous one appears at our site and we are looking for a buyer ourselves, you don’t need to worry about it anymore.

Full presales preparation cycle

Preparing a car for sale is not only the way to raise its value but also to make your car look more attractive to the buyer.
Many seek to buy a brand new car or a used car close to a new one. A maintenance station is responsible for the technical condition of the engine, suspension, transmission and other components. Timely maintenance work and control of the technical condition guarantee the new owner to have no problems during further use.
If you are interested in qualitative pre-sale preparation, please contact our detailing center. Depending on the condition of the car, we will offer a range of services aimed at restoring its original appearance. Presale costs are always reimbursed for a successful sale.

Assistance in car selling

For almost all of us, nowadays having a car is not only about transportation or demonstration of status, but it has become an everyday necessity.
Meeting partners, relatives, loved ones, friends, everywhere you have got to be on time! With the modern pace of life, we need to move quickly, not only around the city, but also between neighboring cities and even across the country.
Therefore, purchasing a car is a current issue for everyone. Either this is your first vehicle or you have decided to change your car for another one - we will be happy to help you with the choice.
When selecting a car, you spend a huge amount of time browsing various sites and resources, trying to find the one that suits you by all features, the quality and pricing policy of the car, after which you call the owners to set appointments or go to the car showroom. This requires enormous variable and monetary costs, but in the end it may not bring the desirable result, or last for too long (half a year, a year or two).
You might face unscrupulous sellers or imposters as well. There is no way to find out if the car was damaged in an accident,
If there are any hidden problems, and if you need investments after buying a vehicle and if it meets your needs in general.
Numerous sellers usually do not say all the truth about the actual condition of the car and this includes not only the technical condition, but also the documentary issue that of course can bring you "surprises" later.

Let our professionals solve this issue, find the ideal option for you and save your time, energy and nerves!

Selling a car at our trading platforms

Selling a car is a long and troublesome process, which requires a lot of personal time and money, placing ads on various sites, visiting potential buyers at a convenient time and place. And of course we all want to sell our car at the best possible price and as soon as possible.
Our company can be in assistance with this, our experts will diagnose your car and agree on the value, you leave the car on the trading platform and our employees already take care of its sale: they take pictures from various angles, post an ad on the Internet, meet potential buyers talking about advantages of the car and, of course, sell your car at the best price and in the shortest possible time.
We can also hold legal advice for you and help with formalizing the deal.

Selling a car without advertising at our trading platforms

 Do you want to sell a car with the minimum effort, time and money? And which is most important, in the most profitable way, so it would be convenient for you to turn to specialists for services? But at the same time there is no way to refuse from the daily use of the car.
We can offer you to sell your vehicle without placing it on our trading platform. As well as in the case of placing a car on the site, our specialists agree with you on the price of the car, take photos and place ads, then look for a client. You just have to take a call from a potential buyer and set an appointment at a convenient time for both of you.

Auto buyout (money right now)

There are situations when you need to urgently sell a car - this may be due to moving, buying another car or real estate, or simply lack of money. But unfortunately, an independent search for a buyer usually takes a long time, or you can lose from 15 to 30% of the cost of the car, trying to sell as soon as possible.
By contacting our car dealership, you can be sure that the purchase will be carried out quickly and at the most favorable price for you.
After our specialists appraise your car, we announce the estimated value of it and, after your consent, we seal the deal for the purchase of the vehicle, everything goes as quickly and hassle-free as possible for you.

Search for the car you need

Searching for a car is long and difficult. Do you want to find a specific model, or choose a car that suits your requirements, but you do not have time to meet the sellers on your own or go to car dealerships, inspect each one, check its condition, clarify features and key points? Our experts can quickly select the car that is right for you, suitable in condition and price category.

Selling brand new vehicles

In our multi-brand car showroom you can buy not only used cars, but also completely brand new cars.
This gives you a number of advantages, such as a guarantee, maintenance at any dealer, a technical inspection is necessary only once every 3 years and of course the absolute absence of traces of operation, which is no doubt more pleasant than buying a used car. When purchasing a brand new car, you do not need to worry about the fact that something may fail in the near future and that you will have to make an expensive replacement of parts, and you can simply enjoy your purchase.

Assistance in purchasing a car including a car credit

For almost all of us, nowadays having a car is not only about transportation or demonstration of status, but it has become an everyday necessity. With the modern pace of life, we need to move quickly, not only around the city, but also between neighboring cities and even across the country.
Therefore, purchasing a car is a current issue for everyone and we will be happy to be in assistance with making a choice.
When choosing a car, you spend a huge amount of time browsing various sites and resources in order to try to find the one that suits you by all features, the quality and pricing policy of the car, after which you call the owners to set appointments. This requires enormous variable and monetary costs, but in the end it may not bring the desirable result, or last for too long (half a year, a year or two).
You might face unscrupulous sellers or imposters as well. There is no way to find out if the car was damaged in an accident,
If there are any hidden problems, and if you need investments after buying a vehicle and if it meets your needs in general.
Numerous sellers usually do not tell the whole truth about the actual condition of the car and this applies not only to the technical condition, but also to the documentary issue that of course can bring you "surprises" later.
If you want to buy a car, but you do not have enough funds, it is also possible to make a purchase on credit. We cooperate with large domestic and Western banks, and, if necessary, we will select the bank, the credit conditions of which will meet your needs as much as possible. To obtain a credit, you must fill out a special form and provide a package of documents, after which the bank makes a decision to grant a credit (the approximate period is from 1 to 4 days, depending on the specific bank) and if the decision is positive, we conclude an agreement under which you carry out your down payment. To finalize the deal with the bank, you will need to conclude a credit agreement and a pledge agreement, after which you become the full owner of the car. 

Car security

 When placing your car on our trading platform, AutoProfi signs a contract with you (it indicates the car model, its condition,
package, mileage), according to which we are financially responsible for your car during its stay with us. The trading floor is under
round-the-clock supervision, which guarantees the absolute safety of the car. Also, the guards are equipped with an alarm button for the security service.

Assistance in paperwork

 Any car selling deal requires paperwork and, of course, has its own legal nuances, therefore, you will need qualified assistance in such matters which will protect you from possible problems in the future.
We provide qualified assistance to our clients in a variety of situations: preparation of notarized documentation for purchase and sale of a vehicle, registration or re-registration of a car, registration or deregistration of a car, formalizing a purchase and sale agreement, restoration of duplicate license plates instead of lost ones, restoration of lost documents for a car or lost driving licenses, etc.
Turning to us for any advice, you can be sure that all documents are professionally and legally correct at the same time with the minimum expenditure of your time, effort and nerves.

Car on order

Если Вы хотите заказать автомобиль из Европы или США, наш отдел закупок сможет Вам в этом помочь. Согласно Вашим запросам сотрудники компании максимально оперативно и качественно подберут авто, соответствующее требованиям. 
Поиск автомобиля осуществляется на всех крупных автоплощадках Германии и США, а также по внутреней базе компании. Перед покупкой автомобиль проходит полную юридическую и техническую проверку, и если его состояние соответствует требованиям, мы его предлагаем Вам. Конечно наши специалисты также максимально сбивают цену, после чего автомобиль выкупается на имя нашей компании, представленной в том регионе, что дает нам ряд приемуществ и приятные скидки.
Доставку автомобиля контролируют наши логисты, находящиеся по обе стороны границы, что обезопасит Вас от излишних расходов. Возможна перевозка наземным транспортом, либо если автомобиль необходим в кратчайшие сроки и Вы не ограничены жёсткими рамками бюджета - самолётом. 
Транспортное средство растамаживают наши брокеры на таможенных постах, существенно сокращает время прохождения автомобилем таможни. По прибытии авто на место, специалисты компании проверяют техническое и косметическое состояние, доводя его до идеального после доставки.
Всё это гарантирует покупателю пориобретение машины в отличном состоянии и по привлекательной цене. Если покупается новый автомобиль, то он конечно же получает полную гарантию с возможностью обслуживания его у любого дилера.


Checking the model year

При покупке авто у частного лица либо недобросовестного автосалона вы можете столкнуться с такой крайне неприятной ситуацией как завышение года выпуска авто, для привлечения большего числа клиентов и возможности поставить более высокую цену. Поэтому крайне важно проверять документы на транспортное средство до оформления сделки, однако возможна и подмена оригинала Паспорта ТС его копией и фотошопным исправлением года выпуска.
Поэтому для Вашей безопасности мы предлагаем услугу проверки года выпуска машины.


Checking theft

A lot of people already know when buying a used car, it is necessary to check it for theft in Ukraine, because according to the legislation of Ukraine, the ownership of the vehicle belongs to the one who first issued the documents for it. Accordingly, if you face the scammers and after the purchase it turns out that you have purchased a stolen car, you will have to return it to its rightful owner. It may be possible to sue the person who sold you the car, but most likely he is on the wanted list, in places of imprisonment, or is simply hiding, and in this case it is almost impossible to return the funds spent on the purchase. 

Commodity expertise of body paintwork

 When purchasing a car, we certainly want to know for sure whether it had accidents and whether we are not buying a battered one at a cost.
With the help of a special device - a feeler gage, our specialists will be able to accurately determine whether the car you are interested in has been repainted.
A feeler gage is a probing device that allows you to measure, with a micrometer accuracy, the thickness of a material or a layer of coating of a material (such as paint, varnish, primer, putty, the thickness of the main wall of metal, plastics, glass, rubber, etc.), determines how many layers of paint was applied to the metal, and also reveals damage that has putty. If the car was repainted or fixed, the feeler gage will immediately determine the increased thickness indicators.
Typically, paintwork thickness (PWT) ranges from 70 to 150 microns. Depending on the manufacturer and the production time of the car, the thickness can be up to 200 microns. If the car was repainted, the thickness of the paintwork is in the range from 160 to 260 microns, if the vehicle has not only been repainted and also there’s putty on the broken parts, then the thickness of such places will range from 300 microns.
If, when measuring paintwork in different places of the body, the values range by 15-20 microns, this indicates that the paintwork material was applied evenly or even that the car has not yet been repaired.
After completing this procedure, you will be able to get an exact idea which car is in front of you and whether it has a "special history".